Sometimes I Wake Up in The Middle of The Night...

Sometimes I Wake Up in The Middle of The Night...

Thankful II
by Doug Hara
Pg. 62

            What am I thankful for? Don't you hate that question? We're forced to think about it every year on Thanksgiving, and we say, "I'm thankful for the food on our table and a loving family." I mean, I know that there are starving people all over the world, but I just can't bring myself to be thankful for my dinner every night. There has to be some thing more. I don't know. I'm thankful for my health. I've got two arms and two legs and all the right parts. And my brain's okay, too, I think. I mean, some people have handicaps and diseases and stuff. But, I don't know. That's not it. I don't feel lucky for that.

            What I'm truly thankful for is being here. I mean, if I wasn't here, think of what I'd be missing. But I am. Alive, I mean. Everyone's alive unless they're dead, and then it doesn't matter anyway. I am alive. And I go to bed, and I wake up, and I'm still alive. I guess that's what I'm most thankful for... existing. And not just me existing, but everyone else, too. Even the planet existing. I mean, we're all living and having a great time. Who knows why, but who cares. It's great to be alive.


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